We arrived at our first stop and Monica was already doing the happy dance! It was a three day weekend, after all, and we were about to begin our saling
We had to wait on line for a few moments but we figured it would be worthwhile. The metal door showed us some potential in this house!
There was an old bathroom with a blue toilet...
...and an old bathroom with a pink toilet!
The basement is always one of our favorite areas to search. Seeing an old floor like this makes us happy!
There was a basement bar behind the clutter. Monica searched it thoroughly!
Look at these great cabinets!!! This was a really fun house to walk through and we did find a couple of nice things to take home. Our haul here was one vintage suit jacket for Rob, some 1950's/1960's decorating booklets and some Christmas honeycomb decorations.
Rob was already hungry so we got some breakfast before we made our way to sale #2. The sale description told us that it would be an older house and the pictures in the ad supported that claim. Rob was really interested in a pair of salt and pepper shakers he saw in a picture. It was still there when we got there and it was still there when we left. It was priced at $50.
There was a basement in this house that was amazing and there was a clown on the floor! This is the second one of these that we have seen this year!
There was a basement in this house that was amazing and there was a clown on the floor! This is the second one of these that we have seen this year!
There was a cool radio built into the wall. We were told it works!
Look at the great oven and cabinet in the basement! This was another really fun house to explore and although we did not get much here (just two records), we are glad we went here!
Stop #3 was advertised as a "vintage houseful" and there was a great picture of an old jukebox in the ad...
...and there it was in the basement! It was in really nice condition and the price was reasonable but we really don't have the room for it so we never seriously considered it.
There were a few rooms of stuff to sort through including some clothing and fabric. The one in the picture looks like it was manufactured by the makers of Wonder Bread. Although the "vintage houseful" label was a bit of a stretch, we had fun in the house and brought home a Hawaiian dress for Monica (made in Hawaii and of barkcloth), some vintage Christmas pins for Monica and three records.
The weather had been beautiful all day and the sky was softly littered with the kind of clouds you expect to see on a beautiful summer day
A few moments up the road was where we found stop #4, also known as "grandparent's house". It was the first sale of the day that was not run by a tag sale company. There were only a couple of rooms to search and there was some nice things here but they just weren't our style. We did manage to pick up several records and one old pamphlet.
By the time we left stop #4, the sky had changed considerably. It was what we expected based on the forecast. There was a chance of rain and the sky did not want us to forget it!
Stop #5 was the house on the right but look at the cool house on the left is too!
We looked in the dumpster in front of the house but nothing worthwhile was there.
Monica was waiting anxiously for Rob to put down the camera and join her in the search. Although most of the rooms were off limits for searching, we had a great time seeing the rooms that were open to us. There were lots of records here and that was what we got...fifteen records for $7. We thought that was a good price!
One of our plans this weekend was to finish our garden. It is a small garden but we like it. We planted peas, beans, radishes and flowers a few weeks ago but did not buy any tomato plants yet. There is a place in Monica's hometown which always has a great selection and great prices and it was only about ten minutes away from our last stop so we went in that direction. On the way, we saw another estate sale sign so we followed it. There was absolutely nothing worthwhile there at all but...
...we did meet a rabbit in the yard next door. We were happy to see him here and not in our garden! And we did get our tomato plants before heading home.
One of our plans this weekend was to finish our garden. It is a small garden but we like it. We planted peas, beans, radishes and flowers a few weeks ago but did not buy any tomato plants yet. There is a place in Monica's hometown which always has a great selection and great prices and it was only about ten minutes away from our last stop so we went in that direction. On the way, we saw another estate sale sign so we followed it. There was absolutely nothing worthwhile there at all but...
...we did meet a rabbit in the yard next door. We were happy to see him here and not in our garden! And we did get our tomato plants before heading home.
Aside from the tomato plants, here is what we brought home:
Some records
Some holiday records
Some more records
Some Hawaiian records
And some more records

A 7-inch record and a pamphlet from Hartz
Some decorating booklets
Some vintage holiday pins for Monica
A Hawaiian dress for Monica. It is made of barkcloth and made in Hawaii
A old jacket for Rob
Some Christmas things
A 7-inch record and a pamphlet from Hartz
Some decorating booklets
Some vintage holiday pins for Monica
A Hawaiian dress for Monica. It is made of barkcloth and made in Hawaii
A old jacket for Rob
Some Christmas things
It was one of those saling days that did not yield a tremendous amount of things (other than records) but that was extremely fun anyway because of how fun the houses were.
With the rest of Saturday remaining and a full two days off beyond it, we were very happy that the weather would give us a chance to do whatever we wanted to do. We managed to get a lot of things done around the house like laundry, painting shelves, planting tomatoes, weeding the garden and organizing the garage.
Rob found Sugar Bear sitting upon his laptop, courtesy of Monica. She was in a silly mood!
Although we did not go to the Air Show (250,000 people crowded on the beach...no thanks), we did see the Blue Angels fly over our house briefly. The five second sighting did not give us enough time to snap a picture though. We found time to take walks in town both Sunday and Monday evening. It is usually pretty busy on weekend evenings but it was slow this holiday weekend. There are a few options for ice cream and Italian Ices along the way and we stop, more often than not, to have some. We also managed a few trips to our favorite lake this weekend.
The swans will gladly pose for a picture...as long as they think you have food for them!
Eventually, they will realize that there is no food and, when there is no food, there will be no posing for pictures!
There is a little island in the middle of the lake where the birds like to rest
The swans will gladly pose for a picture...as long as they think you have food for them!
Eventually, they will realize that there is no food and, when there is no food, there will be no posing for pictures!
We went to the parade in town on Monday. Our niece got to march with The Brownies. She is the one on the right!
Since the weather was so nice, we barbecued Sunday AND Monday before walking in town. When Rob went out to start the barbecue on Sunday, he found a message from Monica written in chalk in front of the door...
Since the weather was so nice, we barbecued Sunday AND Monday before walking in town. When Rob went out to start the barbecue on Sunday, he found a message from Monica written in chalk in front of the door...
...and Rob couldn't agree more!
Although the weekend went quickly, it was perfect weather and three perfect days; made perfect simply because they were spent together.